This post is a long time coming, I know! Moving always throws life for a loop, but we're finally reaching a point where settling into the new normal seems possible. Here's what the entourage has been up to in the past several weeks!
Transcontinental travel: Been there; done that, I know. But 2 rental and 3 flights is still quite the experience!
Unpacking: This is a crucial skill for this crew and so much more cheerful than packing up!
Navigating relationships: Renewing old friendships can be challenging, and making new neighborhood friends can be a little scary (or annoying when the "friends" next door lack a clear sense of boundaries--I'm not sure which Bug was more upset about: the child pressing her face to our glass door and loudly discussing what she could see inside, or the large smears she left behind after doing so).
Bible study: We've jumped back into events at our church! The girls are working on the Summer Challenge: a memorization program that involves select Bible verses, the Apostles Creed, the books of the Bible, etc. During our morning Bible time, we did a brief study of the the fruits of the Spirit, then decided to flip back to Genesis and just start reading a story everyday.
The Three R's: Yep, they're happening, but not with a lot of formal consistently lately. The big girls have acquired their library cards here, and all three girls dove right into the Summer Reading Program (they've collected their first prize already!). They've done a bit of Khan Academy, and we picked up some reading, writing, and math workbooks from the dollar bins at Target that they're enjoying.
History & Geography: We're continuing to watch Liberty's Kids, but we've also started a study of the 50 states using a non-fiction book and an activity book. We've covered six states so far, and the girls have visited five of them!
Art: We finished up our study of Monet by watching Linnea in Monet's Garden (thank you, public library!). Monkey requested a female artist next, so we've been reading about the life and works of Mary Cassatt. We also rejoined the local art museum, and did a quick turn around one of the locations after our visit to the library this week. Of course, the always have their own projects going, and they are very excited to have their project table back!
Science: Of course, a new house requires a thorough inspection of the backyard flora and fauna! (We're excited to have calla lilies again!) We also stumbled across a DVD about skyscrapers at the library that Bug was very excited about it. She watched enrapt for the full hour, learning about the history and engineering principles behind the architecture.
Playgrounds! There are three within sight of our house! The girls are loving it, and spending lots of time running around outside.
Bike riding: All three girls are determined to really learn how to ride their bikes this time (ok, maybe mostly Daddy is determined, but the little girls have bought in, too). They've all mastered pedaling, but balance is an issue. Daddy decided to solve this by turning their bikes into "balance bikes" by removing the training wheels and the pedals. So far, they're making progress!
I think that about covers the last month. On to more adventures! (and hopefully more frequent updates)