The tree didn't actually
fall, but an arborist and his crew did come remove the tree that was growing
through the middle of our deck. The girls were fascinated, and it made for a
good mornings' entertainment/education. The arborist climbed the tree, cut off
the branches, then removed the trunk from top to bottom in chunks a couple feet
long. Once removed the crew put the pieces of tree through a mulcher into the
back of their truck. The girls watched this whole process from the picture
window in the bathroom mere feet from the tree. The arborist even turned and
waved when he realized he had an audience. Next up, the girls get to watch
Daddy rebuild part of the deck! (It turns out whoever built the deck used the
tree as one of the supports!)
Zoo Day

Martial Arts
The girls finally got to
start lessons at their new martial arts school! They're currently studying Muay
Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at a local mixed martial arts school. Lion is
particularly excited because she is finally old enough to join in the fun!
(Previously, we've always moved right before she reached the age minimum, and
the next location always had an older age minimum.) She loves it, and she's
pretty good! All three girls earned compliments for their behavior and
technique, and Lion and her partner were even asked to demonstrate a hip toss.
(For such a tiny person, Lion lifted that poor boy pretty high. Fortunately,
the mats are well padded.)
Fun at the Y!
Of course, new martial
arts classes weren't there only physical activities this week. It was below
freezing on running club day, and we don't own appropriate gear for that weather,
so I took the big girls to a multi-level yoga class at the Y instead. (Lion is
considered too little to attend adult classes, so she stayed home with Potato.)
Bug wasn't a huge fan (she thought most of it was too difficult), but Monkey
and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. This was the first yoga class I've been in
that involved yoga balls, which the girls thought was fun.
We also decided to try the family open swim time this past week. The girls were thrilled to be in the water again, and they clearly remember what they were taught a year ago. We had a few disappointments though. Unlike our previous pools, this one didn't have anything but kickboards available for the girls to use (they were hoping for noodles and balls). Also, the lifeguard was a stickler for my keeping the girls really close by, which was frustrating for Bug who wanted to practice swimming laps (I found out later that we can have her take a swimming test and get a special necklace that gives her permission to swim solo.) The lifeguards swapped out though, and the new one gave them permission to jump in (they were even brave enough to ask him themselves), so at least we went home on a high note!
Grandma & Granddad's
- Bug finished 3rd grade math! And a mere week and a half later she's already 26% of the way through 4th grade math! There's no stopping her now!

- Daddy received a new game for his birthday that everybody enjoys: Pandemic. It's a cooperative strategy game that involves four different characters working together to save the world by curing multiple diseases.
- The girls had a blast for St. Patrick's Day this year. The holiday was the theme for our church's Wednesday night children's program, followed by a pizza & dance party and Trolls viewing on Friday.
- Happy Pi Day! We celebrated March 14th with a lesson about the number pi from Daddy, followed by toll house pie and chocolate pudding pie. Yum!
- Bug thought through, constructed (out of a grocery bag, ribbon, and a peg person), and tested (with a variety of launch styles from different heights) a toy parachute for a science project recently. She even looked up in our home library and read to her sisters about the science behind how parachutes work. (Sorry, folks, the video we took of a successful launch won't load properly.)