The girls were disappointed that we didn't have storytime again this week (the children's librarian had a meeting), but I was very proud of Bug--she took the initative to approach a librarian about helping her find a book and about why we didn't have storytime. We came home with tons of books this week. I actually had to get the girls to help me carry them; they wouldn't all fit in the bag!
Just for fun:
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Bug demonstrating just how much snow we have in our yard! |
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
Elephants Cannot Dance!*#
The Pigeon Needs a Bath
Little Brown Bear Won't Go to School
Eloise's Guide to Life
Just Me and My Dad*
Part-time Princess
George and Martha
Dodo Gets Married
Lola at the Library
Captain Cat
Annie's Chair*
Trixie Ten
*Books Bug has read solo
#Books Monkey has read solo
Art books at Monkey's request:
Picasso's Trousers
Rudy and Claude Splash into Art
W is for Wind: A Weather Alphabet
The Tooth Book: A Guide Healthy Teeth and Gums
History/Social Studies
Colonial Voices: Hear Them Speak
Paul Revere's Midnight Ride
Saint Patrick's Day Shamrocks
Lucky O'Leprechaun
USS Nautilus
We took a day trip on Saturday to visit the USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine, now docked for tours with its own museum. The museum featured exhibits on the history of subs, what they're used for, different kinds of missiles and torpedoes, and what life was like inside a sub for the sailors. The Nautilus itself was set up with mannequins doing various jobs on board and included an informative audio tour.
We can drive a submarine! (recreated control room in the museum) |
Outside the USS Nautilus |
Monkey used the museum's periscope to find cars in he parking lot. |
The Three Rs
We made several changes this week in how we handle the three R's. One was simply organizational. I was feeling overwhelmed by the number of folders and papers I had floating around, and I kept losing track of what exactly they had each done this week. My solution was to buy each of the big girls a three-ring binder and fill each with: a monthly calendar, a reading log, activity pages for the current spelling unit, sufficient writing pages for the week, and the math facts drills for the week.
For Goose's reading this week, she completed another lesson in her textbook, read the first Bob book, and Monkey did a repeat reading lesson with her using Elephants Cannot Dance! (They were both very excited about accomplishing this.) Since the big girls are now keeping formal reading logs of their own, I'm not planning to list every book they read here--just assume by budding bookworms are still reading! I will probably continue to mark--as I did today--which library books they're reading themselves.
For writing, the "write something" instruction continues successfully. Sometimes the girls pick an idea out of the jar and sometimes they come to the table with an idea of their own. This week each of the big girls also chose to spend one day's lesson filling a writing page with all the words they can spell all by themselves. Goose this week requested to dictate a page or two's worth of journal entry about what she'd done this week and she continues to practice writing letters on her own.
Math lessons this week is where the major changes happened: Monkey and Bug are now enrolled in Khan Academy (a free, Internet-based curriculum) and loving it. With our lives getting busier with extra-curriculars I was feeling overwhelmed by prep work, didn't think I was moving fast enough to challenge them (particularly Bug), and couldn't find the time to do more hands-on preschool math with Goose. So, we're trying out an online program to see if it helps solve those problems. It also gives the big girls a measure of indepence and the opportunity to learn about how to do work (not just games) on a computer--logging in themselves, navigating the website, etc. Bonus: their log in information includes their last name, so they now have a reason to learn how to spell it.
We got to start off the week with children's choir again this week. Miss C reorganized how she runs choir, and the kids are now divided into three groups: preschoolers (Goose's group), lower elementary (Bug and Monkey's group), and the big kids. They rotate through a singing session with Miss C, learning a Bible verse with the moms (currently Psalm 100), and a craft or activity with Miss V. Everyone had fun, and Goose is really enjoying the opportunity to be "the big kid" in her group.
Despite missing most of her practice opportunities, Goose's piano lesson went very well, and Dr. J was able to check off three more songs! He also commented to me afterwards that he was very impressed with Goose's attention span for a four year old and that he was so pleased with how much he was able to do with her during her half hour lesson.
Bug has been practicing hard playing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," and Mr. D said he could really tell she'd put in the effort this week. She's getting better at reading music without getting lost, and during her lesson this week she was able to change strings and fingerings without looking at her violin! She continues to be frustrated with the realities of being a beginner (trying to get her fingers to do what her brain knows they need to), and she was disappointed that she didn't get any material to work on (she's expected to practice "Twinkle" for several more weeks, but she's getting bored).
The girls started gymnastics lessons at the Y this week! Goose is in a separate class from the big girls, but fortunately for me they're all at the same time. They got to use some of the equipment that they'd been eyeing at the open gym (a big trampoline, real balance beams, a foam pit, etc.). They all started with a basic warm up routine, and went on to strengthening and balance activities. Monkey was feeling overwhelmed by the newness of the situation after the warm up exercises and chose not participate in many of activities that followed. I at least managed to get her to stick with her class and watch and listen, and by the end she was participating again. Bug and Goose had a fantastic time--no hesitation in meeting new people and trying new things!
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