Monkey and Bug enjoyed this project (construction paper tree outline + contact paper + tissue paper squares), although Monkey decided to go minimalist on hers. Bug pointed out that Monkey's "lets lots of light through!" And, yes, I made one too--it's just such a neat project!
Grocery Shopping
The entourage and I did two grocery shopping trips this week, so this seems like a good time to talk about that routine expedition. I know alot of moms who love that they can go grocery shopping without their kids. Since my girls happen to be great shoppers, leaving them home would just be a missed educational opportunity: We cover counting, colors, and identifying foods ("I need 4 yellow apples, ladies!"), also measuring/numerals because Monkey and Bug have recently discovered scales and insist on weighing all our produce and telling me how many pounds it is. They frequently help locate other foods in the aisles too. We've discussed price comparison occasionally when picking out their treat* ("You can get 1 juice bottle with the character on it for X dollars, or you can get 8 juice boxes for the same amount of dollars.") Smart girls--they always pick the juice boxes. And we've talked about healthy food choices (why we buy lots of veggies, but not lots of candy). Depending on their energy level, this trip can also be PE since Monkey and Bug like to run sprints up and down whatever aisle we're on. Goose finds this activity particularly entertaining. (Despite appearances, my kids are not running wild--they stop at the end of the aisle or sooner if asked to, and with few exceptions come right back when I call them. They're even getting better at pausing the running when someone else is coming down the aisle, so we're working on courtesy too.) And, of course, they learn basic life skills like waiting our turn in line and the fact that we have to pay for our food before we eat it. Whew! All that in a 1 1/2 hourish shopping trip!
Fun with Math
Speaking of grocery shopping treats, on our first trip this week, Monkey and Bug asked if we could get M&Ms for our treat, so we could actually do the M&M counting book they checked out from the library last week. We did the sections that involved colors, sorting, patterns, and counting up to 12 before they lost interest, and we decided to just eat the M&Ms. Something tells me the M&M math books are going to be a recurring element in the entourage's education; there's a whole series of them. I also made them a numbers game out of frozen juice lids, with numeral stickers on half and hole-punched dots stuck on with contact paper on the other half. They had a good time working on matching them up: Monkey and Bug can do 1-3 very consistently, but they still have to be convinced to actually count out the 4-6 dots instead of just guessing at random. Goose likes them too--she's been happily banging them around and industriously shoving them under the couch (that's fine motor skills practice, right? :-)
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Airplane! |
While unpacking the Christmas decorations, we discovered the long-lost "how to build things" instruction book that came with their workbench. Daddy and I have both been helping Monkey and Bug build things. They pick out a project and locate all the pieces we'll need step-by-step. At this point Daddy and I do most of the actual building, but we'll be working on that. Right now it's a good exercise in sorting, counting, and following directions, not to mention the cool toy they end up with! (Goose supervises and chews on the construction supplies).
Aunt E!
Aunt E came for a few days' visit on her way home from a friend's wedding/fundraising trip. Monkey and Bug have been keeping her busy! They've been reading LOTS of books, including seemingly endless repetitions of If You Give a Pig a Pancake. Monkey and Bug nearly have it memorized (as does Aunt E, I'm sure!). E is a missionary/professional musician, who, much to the entourage's delight brought her clarinet with her.
Even Goose was mesmerized by the impromptu concert. E also let the entourage peruse her sheet music collection and pick out what piece they wanted her to play next. At some point Monkey and Bug hunted down their recorders in order to play trios with E. They even insisted they have sheet music too, so they would know what notes to play. For a while E played familiar kids songs by ear; although Bug confessed to me afterwards that her recorder didn't play softly and it didn't really play the Itsy Bitsy Spider like E's did.
Library Day
We came home with these books this week:
If You Give a Pig a Pancake
Freight Train
Fox in Socks
Finger Rhymes
The Shapes We Eat
The Ants and the Grasshopper
Potential favorite Christmas memory of the year:
We turned on Nutcracker music earlier this week, and Monkey and Bug started ecstatically dancing around in circles in front of the Christmas tree, breathlessly explaining to me that they were Christmas angels dancing to show people where to find Baby Jesus.
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