Thanksgiving Projects

The girls also completed a stack of Thanksgiving-themed worksheets (counting, matching, finding differences, pencil control). (A note: At this point, I don't usually sit them down and make them do worksheets. They have access to a file box full of worksheets, coloring sheets, mazes, construction paper and plain paper. They get into this box almost everyday, but the worksheets they tend to do in spurts. They'll whiz through a dozen in a day, then not look at them again for a couple of weeks.)
Library Day
We were back at the branch library this week, and I had an additional preschooler for our informal storytime on the floor of the children's section. A little girl about Monkey and Bug's age joined us in a rousing reading of The Cat in the Hat Came Back, accompanied by a lively discussion about appropriate house cleaning methods (Me: "Do we clean bathtubs with dresses?!" Girls: "NO!" "With soap!" "With sponges!") This week it was Goose who had a meltdown when I declared it time to go home: she was engrossed in a puzzle, but the rest of the entourage was getting hungry for lunch.
Books we checked out this week:
The Vegetables Are SleepingQuiet as a Cricket
The First Thanksgiving
M&M's Counting Book
White-tailed Deer (we saw a 4-point buck on our way to the library!)
The Pigeon Found a Hot Dog
The Mitten
I Am America
A Christmas Story (a retelling of the Christmas story from the perspective of a little girl, Mary & Joseph's neighbor; we've also been reading the nativity story in their kid's Bible)
Santa Who? (a history of Santa Claus from Bishop Nicholas to the current guy in the red suit. Santa is everywhere already! A note: We aren't going to have the entourage believe in Santa, as in the fat old man who stalks kids year round, then breaks into their houses on Jesus' birthday--sorry, I know he brings cool gifts, but that's just creepy. We still do stockings, but we talk about the St. Nicholas story and focus on Jesus birthday.)
Sewing Cards
At Bug's request we made new sewing cards this week (shapes cut out of an old cereal box, hole punch, yarn). Bug and Monkey let Goose play with/taste one of their old, beat-up cards while they played with the new, more complex ones. I love this activity because it also buys me a little time to work on my own sewing project (a cross-stitch at the moment) while the entourage is awake.
Daddy has started indepently studying Japanese swordsmanship and restarted practicing kung fu. As a result our garage has been cleaned out (hooray!) and a good-sized part of it cleared for practice space. The benefit for the entourage: it's enough space to ride trikes and play with outside balls now that it's getting darker earlier and getting colder. Monkey and Bug have been teaching Goose how to throw and roll balls.
Goose has progressed from taking 4 or 5 steps as a game to walk between Mommy and Daddy to walking 2 or 3 steps all on her own just to get from point A to point B. Yes, this girl is going to be running frighteningly soon!
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